Now Open For The Season

Dive into a tropical paradise with thrilling slides, relaxing waterways and endless family fun.
Drinks and popsicles at Adventure Island Drinks and popsicles at Adventure Island
Ticket Request

Due to the high volume of inquiries we receive, we cannot guarantee a response to all submissions made through the form below.

  • Busch Gardens Tampa Bay/Adventure Island is proud to offer a news media admission policy which enables working media to become familiar with the destination's various feature opportunities. We extend tickets as a professional courtesy and consider requests on a case-by-case basis based upon news outlet and market through traditional and social channels.
  •  Qualifying media may request up to four (4) single-day tickets once per calendar year.
  • Requests must be received during normal business hours at least 14 business days prior to the intended visit.
  • Tickets will only be considered for those in news-gathering positions. Examples include:
    • Print/Online - Editors, Reporters, Photojournalists, Publishers, Managing/Assignment Editors and Freelance Writers 
    • Broadcast/Radio - News Producers, News Directors/Assistant Directors, Reporters, Managing/Assignment/Planning Editors, News Writers, Online/Web Producers, Photojournalists and Meteorologists.
  • We are unable to provide admission to those not employed in a news-gathering role, such as sales, promotions, programming, clerical/administrative, graphic arts, or engineering.
  • Due to the popularity of certain events and time frames, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay/Adventure Island reserves the right to have block out dates for media passes.


Busch Gardens Tampa Bay & Adventure Island Media Ticket Request

*Indicates required Field